
Depiction of SCP-9653 in image obtained from Internet.

Item #: SCP-9653

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Online publicly-accessible images of SCP-9653 have been removed, and existing monitoring software has been programmed to alert appropriate Foundation personnel should any images of SCP-9653 reappear. Similarly, all text mentions of SCP-9653 have been removed, with similar safeguards in place to neutralize any reappearance. Individuals with detailed knowledge of SCP-9653 have been given amnesiacs, and all electronic devices belonging to them have been erased of any mention or image of SCP-9653.

Subject SCP-9653-A (see below) has been relocated to Site '''''' for observation and interrogation regarding other possible containment procedures.

If any live, on-site appearance of SCP-9653 is noticed by any Foundation personnel, the O5 liaison on duty is to be notified immediately.

Description: SCP-9653 appears to be a female wolf of humanoid shape and proportions. SCP-9653 shows a striking resemblance to online images of an anthropomorphic “furry” character known as “Mataki” [See Collection 9653 in Foundation Image Database – Level 4 clearance required]. SCP-9653 also refers to itself as “Mataki” when speaking and demonstrates a high level of intelligence through conversation, expressing itself in colloquial English.

SCP-9653’s clothing consists of a purple T-shirt with an image of a golden crown on its front. The words “Object Class: Keter” appear above said crown. Subject also wears blue mid-thigh-length shorts. These articles of clothing were noted during SCP-9653’s on-site incursion; online images show different clothing or none at all.

SCP-9653 demonstrates size-shifting abilities and has been measured through video analysis at sizes ranging from 2.5m – 10m. This ability seems to be innate and under the control of SCP-9653. Online images of SCP-9653 hint that much larger sizes may be possible, up to '''''''''''''' '''' ''''''''''''''''''''''. Stories written about SCP-9653 indicate that growth is a primary concern, even an obsession.

All images of SCP-9653 recovered from online sources are artistic renderings. No photography, other than Foundation video surveillance, has been discovered.

Subject SCP-9653-A is ''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''' of ''''''''''''', TX, identified as the person responsible for “creating” SCP-9653, though SCP-9653 maintains it existed previously. A search of SCP-9653-A’s house turned up the largest yet known cache of images and texts of SCP-9653, all of which are now securely stored at Site '''''.

SCP-9653 entered the facility at Site '''''' on 12/11/200''' undetected, its appearance first noticed when it approached the containment area of SCP-''''''''''. The appearance of SCP-9653 was treated as a containment breach, and the subject was taken to an empty containment unit. SCP-9653 went willingly, looking around with interest during the escort and asking questions that, along with its clothing, indicated a working knowledge of the Foundation and of several specific SCP assets. SCP-9653’s questions were not answered. Once in the containment unit, an interview was conducted by Dr. B'''''''''''''''' (see Interview Log SCP-9653 below for excerpts of the transcript). After being interviewed for ~28 minutes, SCP-9653 disappeared from the containment unit. There has been no further contact with SCP-9653.

Interview Log SCP-9653-1:

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': Who are you, and how do you know of this place?

SCP-9653: My name is Mataki, though you might also know me as ''''''' '''''''''' '''''''''''' or '''''''''' '''' '''''' ''''''''''. I have a complicated history with this place, but I always find it interesting.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': I’m not familiar with those…er, names. You didn’t completely answer my second question. How do you know about us? Where did that shirt come from?

SCP-9653: You like it? You guys should really open up a gift shop! Sell a few T-shirts, some bumper stickers, a shelf of one-seven-three dolls for the kids? No? I guess that’d blow your cover, but that’s what you’re worried about at the moment, isn’t it? As I said, we have a history, just not here.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': I don’t know what you mean by that. We have no record of you.

SCP-9653: No, though I suspect that’s changing right now, isn’t it? You’re checking my names, gathering information on me…wondering how dangerous I am.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': If you know of us, you know that containing dangerous objects is part of our purpose. You somehow appeared in this facility FULL of dangerous objects without our knowledge or consent. Naturally, we are determining how much of a threat you pose.

SCP-9653: That’s always my favorite part. Well…second-favorite.


Dr. B'''''''''''''''': What was your purpose in coming here?

SCP-9653: When I realized you exist in this universe, I thought I should come pay my respects.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': That’s how you know of us? From an SCP counterpart in another universe?

SCP-9653: I love how you guys just accept that’s possible right off the bat.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': We know other such…organizations exist. We’ve communicated with several of them.

SCP-9653: I see! Ever wonder why there weren’t more of them to communicate with?

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': Er, no…we simply thought that…wait, are you implying you have something to do with that?

SCP-9653: Again, we have a history. And they had a containment breach.


Dr. B'''''''''''''''': These pictures of you. You’re…quite large in all of them.

SCP-9653: I am! That’s my thing.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': You yourself aren’t that big. Why is that?

SCP-9653: Why? So I could fit in here comfortably. You built this facility to be run by people your size, after all…

[Video shows SCP-9653 slowly growing in height. Dr. B''''''''''''''' rises from his seat in surprise.]

SCP-9653: But I can certainly grow bigger if you like! Your purpose is containment; this is mine. Quite the opposite, isn’t it? You limit and subdue. I become. I increase. I GROW. I’ve become rather good at it over the years. Seek out the stories, and then you’ll know!

[SCP-9653 bends over to avoid contact with the ceiling as its growth speeds up. Dr. B''''''''''''''' retreats to the rear of the containment unit, pushing button frantically to be released.]

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': Open the door. OPEN IT!

Voice of Security Officer On Duty: Doctor, we haven’t determined the threat level of—

Dr. B'''''''''''''''': I HAVE!

[Video shows Dr. B'''''''''''''''' exiting after the door buzzes open. SCP-9653 grows to a height of ~10m, then stops and sits on the floor for 3 minutes, 23 seconds.]

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: Are you finished?

SCP-9653: I’m never finished, but I’ve stopped.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: [relieved sigh] Good. Let’s…talk about something else. Do you know the people who created the…material we found about you?

SCP-9653: Not in the way you mean, but as I exist in their minds, so they exist in mine. One of them thought they invented me, but they were just picking up the resonance of a universe closeby. As that resonance is shared with others, it grows stronger, strong enough to allow…entry.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: Their thoughts created you?

SCP-9653: No, but they allowed me to find my way here, a place where I wouldn’t have come into existence naturally. Information resonates. The stories of one universe are the realities of another. It might amuse you to know that the Foundation itself is just a collection of stories in at least one of those worlds.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: We’ve been told that before. We don’t find it especially amusing. We did find the stories you mentioned, though. These…ah…events, then…they happened?

SCP-9653: They did!

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: In other universes.

SCP-9653: You’ve got it.

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: And the more people read them, the more people know about you…the greater the…resonance, as you put it?

[Video shows SCP-9653 turning to look at the camera, leaning closer with a large grin.]

SCP-9653: Now you’re putting it together. It’s a bit like that poor bear you’ve got stashed away here, hidden from the world. He at least makes it somewhat easy for you by not wanting to be seen. What do you think will happen when your world learns of MY existence?

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: I think I’d rather not answer that.

SCP-9653: Ah, you DO understand. Good! I have to hand it to you guys, you rarely disappoint. You were very frustrating to me early on before I knew what I was doing. You slowed me down quite a bit! Even now, you still bring a good game to the hunt. Speaking of which, it’s time to be a good quarry and make myself scarce! I’ll see you…soon.

[Video shows SCP-9653 winking into the camera. The footage then shows an empty containment room.]

Dr. B'''''''''''''''' [via intercom]: She…gah. Add her to the XK-Scenario list. No, I did the interview. YOU’RE doing the paperwork…

Addendum – 01/25/201''':

To: ''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''', Site ''''''

Re: Your Wolfgirl’s A No-Show. Again.

Regarding the request to downgrade SCP-9653’s object class designation to Euclid because “it’s been a long time and nothing’s happened”: Really, this again?

She didn’t give us a timetable, you know. Maybe she was bluffing the whole time; maybe she’s just lying in wait for us to let our guard down. Maybe our containment procedures are WORKING, so DON’T REMOVE THEM. Don’t let your lazy desire to have one less Keter review a month be the downfall of the human race. I should hard-code that into my clipboard so I don’t have to type it in these idiotic requests anymore.

Look, I was in that room with her. Everything happened on her terms. The only way we have a chance in this situation is to keep her as hidden from everyone else as possible. Why they haven’t officially classified her an infohazard is beyond me. If what she said is true, she’s spreading through realities. If what the texts say is true, she doesn’t play nicely in them once she’s there. I’d make you read those damn stories if it didn’t violate containment and if I was sure you wouldn’t just get off on them. Helpful hint: Ctrl+H, Clear Browsing Data. Even if she is only as powerful as we witnessed, the ability to pop in here and waltz right up to our other charges without us knowing about it is Keter-level behavior on its own. What if she let one out? YOU go capture 173 after she pops the door to its cage and suggests making a doll out of it again.

Don’t make me deny another of these requests. Let the O5’s worry about this. That they ARE worried should be reason enough to leave designation as is. If YOU’RE not worried after seeing the picture in her database entry, you need more training.

Dr. B''''''''''''''''

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